Quick Links!

It all begins with a need, an interest in the past, present or future. Maybe you want to insure a business, home or property. Or maybe you want to put out a helping hand, whether it be financially, prayerfully or physically around the world or within the community. Whatever it is, these links will help you out!


We exist to multiply Christ-centered churches to see Canada transformed by the good news of Jesus Christ.


To Inspire, Equip, Encourage ABMB Leaders and Churches for disciple-making ministry and mission.


MCC is a global, non-profit organization that strives to share God’s love and compassion through relief, development and peace building.

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Days For Girls.


Living on mission

that the world may know Jesus in times of crisis. Together.


Mennonite Mutual Insurance

The Insurance Market of choice for Evangelical Christians in Alberta. MMI Insurance provides insurance for homes, farms, businesses and churches.